Although Alzheimer’s disease cannot be completely cured due to lack of effective drugs and vaccines, there are some effective methods to reduce the likelihood of developing this disease, delaying it, slowing down the rate of progression and preventing it!
High cholesterol and hypertension are two of the most significant risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease. By bringing blood lipids and blood pressure back to normal, the likelihood of developing the disease can be significantly reduced. To achieve this, you should just follow the simple rules below.
- Exercise at least three times a week. Combine cardiovascular and muscle development activities;
- Make your diet good for the brain. Eat vegetables, nuts, olive oil, blue berries, whole grains, fish, and poultry. Try to refrain from sweets, fried foods, and all kinds of fast food;
- Regularly monitor your blood pressure, because arterial hypertension is often asymptomatic, and you can only diagnose and start treatment in a timely manner if you know your blood pressure indicators;
- Reduce salt intake as much as possible, this will normalize blood pressure;
- Control your blood sugar;
- If you smoke, quit this habit right now;
- Protect your head from injury;
- Develop a sense of balance with yoga, pilates and more;
- Constantly develop and train your brain, keeping it in good shape;
- Lead an active social life, expand your social circle;
- If you have the strength and capabilities – try to retire later. The work will keep you on track longer, providing you with some purpose;
- Sleep at least 7-8 hours;
- Try to be less hectic and stay calm in any situation;

By following these simple tips, you can greatly reduce your chances of having Alzheimer’s in your brain in the future or slowing down its progression.
And remember that your doctors/nurses are here for you! If you or your loved ones are in need of professional medical care, you can rely on High Standard Home Care for all your care needs.